List of all competitors, by name

Only drivers who competed in at least 6 events in the same class are eligible for year-end trophy awards. Among those that are eligible, 1st Place is determined by the best 6 finishes. The next best 6 finishes constitute 2nd Place, and so on. Yellow highlighting indicates eligibility for a year-end trophy.

Index Sorted By Driver Events
1Aalberg, Mike1
2Abbott, Bruce5
3Adams, Jason6
4Albano, Michael4
5Alberts, R Steve1
6Allen, Mark2
7Allen, Wendi2
8Alvino, Richard2
9Ashburn, Brenda4
10Bancalari, Ed4
11Barrett, Gabriel1
12Barris, Bob1
13Beecher, Barbara3
14Beecher, Richard4
15Belvoir, Robert7
16Berges, Gustavo3
17Blevins (Pobst), Kelly1
18Brewer, Sam1
19Brolliar, Steve2
20Brown, Sandy5
21Burger, Gerry5
22Burger, Steve3
23Burris, Rob1
24Caraker, David1
25Carlo, Leonard1
26Carson, David1
27Chiles, Mark4
28Clark, Joan4
29Coffey, Bill3
30Conner, Craig1
31Cuebas, Hiram8
32Cullen, John5
33David, John4
34Davie, Joe2
35Dayton, Michael2
36Dennie, Jeff9
37Dennie, Liz3
38Disimo, Darrin2
39Edwards, Frank7
40Eveleth, Link3
41Falkner, Rob1
42Feallock, Joe1
43Filipe, Carlos3
44Filipe, Pedro3
45Frankos, Randy1
46Frier, Jason3
47Froelich, Frank3
48Funk, Wayne2
49Gallo, Pete1
50Geis, Ed2
51Guido, Mike3
52Guiterrez, Guillermo2
53Gustafson, Mark1
54Gutierrez, Guillermo1
55Hahn, G. Walter2
56Hahn, G. Warren2
57Hall, Robert5
58Haunfelder, John2
59Hearn, Dave1
60Hughes, Larry1
61Hutter, Dave2
62Jacobs, Jeff3
63Jarvis, David2
64Johnson, Bear1
65Jung, Glen1
66Kemp, Jamie1
67Kempinski, Scott3
68LaPointe, Tom1
69Langley, Rob2
70Laughlin, Britt1
71Leon, Sandra2
72Lowdermilk, Greg1
73Mahoney, Todd1
74McCallister, Gary1
75McCallister, Sharon1
76McIver, John1
77Mcmullan, Russell1
78Mekbeb, Shim1
79Merenda, Joe1
80Merideth, Gary5
81Meyers, Brian8
82Meyers, Elizabeth6
83Meyers, Shawn6
84Morrison, Mike4
85Morrison, Sara3
86Nascimento, Kenato1
87Neville, Scott1
88Noyd, Michael1
89O'Brien, Gregg1
90O'leary, Mike1
91Oakes, Cindy1
92Oakes, Dean3
93Oliva, Fred2
94Osborne, John1
95Ostrow, Ken1
96Palmblad, Bob6
97Parris, Gelly1
98Parris, Shannon1
99Pasterjak, J. G.1
100Pearlman, Stan2
101Pena, Carlos5
102Perez, Carl9
103Perez, Melissa3
104Pio, Chris1
105Pobst, Randy1
106Poindexter, Garry6
107Ralston, Robert1
108Reardon, Tim9
109Rhodes, Andy1
110Rodriguez, A. J.3
111Rosa, Peter3
112Rosas, Joe3
113Schnoerr, David1
114Schroeder, Ralph1
115Seibt, Kiko1
116Sharp, G.H.1
117Shields, Danny3
118Shields, Sharron3
119Simms, Mike2
120Skowronski, Matt9
121Smith, David1
122Smith, Marc1
123Smith, Peter1
124Smyth, Alan1
125Smyth, Chris4
126Smyth, J. P.1
127Smythe, Satch2
128Snyder, Fred2
129Spencer, Carolyn1
130Spikes, Pat1
131Stannard, II, Jay5
132Stawara, David1
133Stein, Jerry7
134Stephens, Clark2
135Stratton, Alan1
136Swanson, Michael1
137Taylor, John1
138Thomas, Bob2
139Thomas, Terry2
140Tremmel, Matthew5
141Tschanz, T. J.3
142Vallens, David S.1
143Varga, Peter1
144Wallens, David1
145Warren, Jim1
146Warren, Rich1
147Wilson, Dave3