Tire Rack Street Survival School

Tire Rack Street Survival School (TRSSS) is a joint program founded and developed by TireRack.com, BMW, Michelin, SCCA®, and BMW Car Club of America Foundation. It is a school specifically designed for new drivers, particularly teenagers. Not a typical Drivers’ School; the focus of TRSSS is to teach the new drivers how to react and how their car reacts in real world driving emergencies by placing them in equivalent situations while in a safe and controlled environment; always under the guidance and tutelage of a trained instructor in the passenger’s seat.

When your teen driver attends a Street Survival school, we teach them to control your car in unpredictable situations based on its handling limits. They master the application of driving physics using their car. They learn how to make good driving decisions and react more quickly. They become more aware and learn how to begin anticipating the actions of other drivers.

For more information, visit Tire Rack Street Survival Schools (TRSSS)

Tire Rack Street Survival

by Tire Rack


TIre Rack Street Survival : A Parents’ Perspective

by Tire Rack